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para viver a sua marca

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no crisis!

Our goal is to offer our customers options for marketing actions that do not leave them helpless at this time.

We are a family owned and operated business.

With that in mind, we have created a package of services and activations that values ​​this, while at the same time seeking to maintain a cycle of work and demands by helping as many involved in this value chain as possible:

customers, partners and suppliers.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Eventos • Branding • Endomarketing • Relacionamento •   Brand kits  •  Conteúdo      

Eventos e Ativações

eventos e ativações

Nossa maior especialidade.

A partir de uma ideia dos nossos clientes, construímos sonhos. Estandes, feiras, premiações, convenções e até festivais, se produzidos pela MCM, com certeza são capazes de marcar e encantar o público.

Live Marketing


Faça parte do dia a dia do seu público.
Com nossas ideias e projetos, a sua marca vai entrar no cotidiano das pessoas de maneira única e especial, do jeito MCM.

in love


embaixadores da MARCA

At times like this, declaring your position in the face of crises becomes a very strategic point of communication for any brand. And in this context, there are voices that can take these speeches further. The use of influencers as brand ambassadors is nothing new, but we believe that in these moments, the message has to come from within. With specific networking and communication strategies, it is possible to create ambassadors with leadership potential already installed within these companies.

POSSIBILITIES : you can be a collaborator, you can be a family member of someone in the area and even a supplier or strategic partner. Everyone can collaborate when the brand recognizes the people who deliver its product and its value. In addition to positioning your brand, you can discover new stems, strengthen networking and deepen stakeholder knowledge.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Empower BRANDING • Influence MARKETING • FUNCTIONAL content • REAL involvement • Networking



Internal communication matters.

It’s a game changer. We can imagine, plan and create activations capable of engaging your team, making them more productive, efficient and happy.

 e mais!

conceitoS criativoS

Branding, Design,

Content Marketing

Projetos Proprietários


Planejamento entre o mundo físico e o digital


Live, Promo, Trade, Lançamento, Ativação, Eventos Multiníveis


Gestão de fornecedores,

Projetos Culturais,

Ações Socioambientais

gestão de

Institucional, Endomarketing, Incentivo, Marketing Direto, One to One


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